How to install the Media Center Pack in Windows 8.1 by Martin Brinkmann on September 18, 2013 in Windows - Last Update: September 18, 2013 - 21 comments Windows 8.1, just like Windows 8, ships with Windows Media Player by default.
Media Feature Pack for Windows 8 N versions - gHacks Tech News Under Windows 7, the N editions shipped without Windows Media Player and related programs such as Windows Media Center or Windows DVD Maker. Just head over to the Microsoft Download Center and download the Media Feature Pack for N and KN versions of Windows 8 from there. Download Media Feature Pack for N and KN versions of Windows 8.1 Microsoftie 4 ever (19+ years) working in Windows Web Services and Content team in the UK. The blog is mainly focused on the Windows family of products and trying to provide help pointers and resources for customers on our products. Media Feature Pack for Windows 8 N/ KN... - Downloadcrew
GTA V PC probleme d'installation (windows media player) sur ... J'ai essayé l'astuce de x-missile12 , lorsque je vais dans panneau de configuration -> programme -> activer ou désactiver des fonctionnalité Windows, le dossier "Feature Pack" est absent, donc ... How to Enable or Install Windows Media Center in Windows 8? Now you'll notice that the recently released Release Preview build also doesn't come with Media Center but don't worry, Microsoft has posted a FAQ list which tells you how to enable or install Windows Media Center in Windows 8. Télécharger Windows Media Center sous Windows 8 - Windows 8, à l’inverse de son prédécesseur Windows 7, n’inclut pas Windows Media Center. Pour pouvoir profiter à nouveau de votre Tuner TV et enregistrer vos ...
Media Feature Pack 1.0 - расширение функциональности…
PCMark 8 is an essential benchmark for notebooks, tablets and desktop PCs running Windows 8. Windows 10 N Media feature pack problem solved - YouTube Windows 10 N Media feature pack problem solved Link: ________... Windows 8 Pro To Windows 8 Media Center Pack Free Upgrade… Microsoft is offering free Windows 8 Media Center Pack keys, which can be used to upgrade Windows 8 Pro to Windows 8 Pro Pack or Windows 8 Media Center Pack Add Windows 8 Media Center Pack to Windows 8 / Windows 8 Pro